Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Personal Freedoms and Social Engineering Through Taxation

Personal Freedoms
If your rights stop at my nose, and my rights stop at yours, then why do we have so many "nanny laws" in the USA? I always wear my seat belt because I think it is a good idea, not because the State of California says that I must. Nonetheless, the State does say that I must. I do not ride a motorcycle, however I would prefer to decide if I need a helmet. I could go on but you get the idea. Do the state and federal legislators think I need a baby sitter? Or have they become addicted to the opiate of lobbyist dollars and have sold out my freedoms to special interest groups?

Social Engineering Through Taxation
Is it really fair for the various states and federal governments to discriminate against its citizenry? You would most likely say no. However, do you mind the obscene taxes on alcohol and tobacco? Is that not discrimination? Just by virtue of the increased taxes on these items, the governments are taking away my personal freedoms. Legislative bodies are perhaps afraid to say, "You cannot have this." but are emboldened to tax the hell out of these items. Where does the proverbial "slippery slope" begin and end here? If government really needs the money, then make street drugs legal and tax the hell out of them. Sorry, the street gangs and lobbyists would not like that idea.

If you are excited about nanny laws and social engineering through taxation; this is your time. If not, what do you plan to do about it?

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Not Finding a Job?

How are you doing with your job search? Finding yourself stuck? Sure thing; as are so many in the same place. So, is it access or is it value that's the problem? Or could it be that your industry simply does not know you?


I know, you have exhausted all your contacts on Linkedin and your friends at Facebook, and still have nothing to show for it. Guess what, they are to crazy-busy to care about your situation. Joined all the Internet job search sites but they keep sending you the wrong stuff? What did you expect? How about this; do it the old fashioned way...go knock on doors...nobody is doing that. Why? Laziness is my guess. Knock on what doors? Visit any business or municipality within a 60 mile radius that you have any kind of a hint that you might be a fit. I believe this should be your number one strategy. Are you willing to knock on doors?


Organizations everywhere are looking to develop profit centers and reduce cost centers. As an example, sales persons contribute to profit. Everyone else
contributes to cost. Wait a minute, is this true? It is; in the minds of most business leaders. Your job is to shift their mind set. If you are simply asking for a job--get in line. However, if you can be innovative and creative in describing the monetary gain an organization would realize by bringing you on board--you will catch the interest of business leaders. In this economic environment, why in the world would you want to add to an organization's cost when you can add to their profit?

Industry Recognition

If you are a recognizable name in your industry or specific skill profession, you will have a better chance of catching something with your "net." Some specific activities that will get you notice:

1. Send news releases that have specific information relating to your industry's or profession's current events to your local newspapers, magazines, and cable news shows.
2. Write articles (about 500-800 words) and submit them to industry or profession specific publications.
3. Join industry or profession specific groups at Linkedin. Daily
answer questions posted by others--even if you have to do some specific research to get the answer. This way you will show up as a leading resource for others.